12-14 December 2022
IIT Jodhpur
Asia/Kolkata timezone

Atmospheric Pressure Argon Plasma Jet for Wound Healing

Not scheduled
IIT Jodhpur

IIT Jodhpur

Indian Institute of Technology, Jodhpur NH 62, Nagaur Road, Karwar, Jodhpur


Rajendra Shrestha (Nepal Banepa Polytechnic Institute) Dr Shreedevi Basukala (Nepal Korea Friendship Municipality Hospital, Madhyapur Thimi, Nepal )

Primary authors

Rajendra Shrestha (Nepal Banepa Polytechnic Institute) Dr Shreedevi Basukala (Nepal Korea Friendship Municipality Hospital, Madhyapur Thimi, Nepal ) Mr Tachal Niraula (College of Biomedical Engineering and Applied Sciences, Hadigaun, Kathmandu, Nepal)

Presentation materials

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