Fundamental Plasma
FPBasic Plasma Physics, Experiments, Computation/Simulation of Basic Plasma, diagnostics of basic plasma etc
High Temperature Plasma
HPFusion plasma experiments, Tokamak plasma, Fusion plasma Diagnostics, etc
Exotic and Pulsed Plasma
EPDusty plasma, Positron plasma, quark - gluon plasma, quantum plasma, Pulsed plasma, laser produced plasma etc.
Fusion Science & Technology
FTTechnology oriented, ITER related topics, Tokamak plasma heating, Tokamak plasma control, Tokamak Plasma first wall, divertor, cryostat, Superconducting magnets, heavy vacuum pumps, power supply for tokamak plasma production etc
Simulated Plasma
SPPlasma theory by simulations, PIC simulation, Huge computer codes for plasma studies etc
Astrophysical & Space Plasma
APAstrophysical plasma, space plasma, solar plasma, Sunspot, Solar flares, Solar wind, ionospheric physics,geomagnetism, etc.
Plasma Applications
PAIndustrial and Societal applications of plasma, low temperature industrial plasma, applied plasma experiments, plasma-material interaction, plasma devices and systems, simulation of plasma devices etc